Monday, November 9, 2009

Google Forms

Hi,all! I can't believe that CM autumn course has been finished!
It was soooo fruitful course for me... I will continue to use functions introduced in the classes from now on. Actually, I used firefox portable and google search tools for writing final essay, and they helped me finish the essay so much! A lot of thanks for Mr.Ohata!!! (this is not OSEJI!)

Anyway, let me talk about the learning in the last class.
We tried Google Forms, didn't we?
I organized the survey over everyone's view for the future, with Yoshie-chan.
By looking at the result (appreciate your cooperation), I was surprised at most of the panelists want to live in japan rather than abroad.
Taking a close look at second and third questions' results, I could guess that because japan is the most familiar place for most people, they chose "japan" option.
From marriage Question results, it seems that many people prefer do solid marriage to do adventure...

If we use this Google Forms, we can do well customized and fit for our intentions researches. This will be useful when we need fresh information for essay topic (for example), or naively, when we want to have questionnaires.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Google documents sharing system is so wonderful! When some people make one project together, they can edit it anytime and anywhere they want without meeting. This system make it possible to set up a project with people meeting online. Since it is global and modern society in which the Internet connects people all over the world, this system would be so useful.

However, when it is compared with power-point, making slides functions are somewhat inferior. For example, google doc cannot add animations, which means movement of criteria on the slide.

I hope that google doc improves such points and become more useful tool!