Monday, February 15, 2010

6th class

This time, I did presentation of the fire-fox add-on which I chose.
it was "read it later" and very useful when one discover articles on the web but there is no time to read, Read it later allow them to read it later...HAHAHA!
because of my poor presentation skill, I'm not sure whether everyone could understand, but I really recommend this add-on.

After that, we did group evaluation of own group-created web pages. I was impressed with one web page of evaluation members. it was wiki-style and articles appearing like blogs.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

5th class

today, I and other group members (Mei, Ryosuke, Yushiki) started to create our Google site. We changed our topic from AI to medical progress. the merit of Google site are that easy to make, speedy editing and this is the best(I think) can share by all of group members. however, I discovered one demerit also. that is, though the site is shared by members of groups, just one of that members can edit the site at one time. it is a problem when making the site in class or with talking to each other. when I made a group presentation in Autumn CM class, it was possible to edit by all members at one time. why is it impossible in editing sites?
Anyway we have to try hard to make progress this site.

Does anyone know the good use of "Google Calender"?
I have heard that it is useful to manage group member's time.. but I'm not sure.

4th Class

today's introduced add-ons were also uniformly great guys! search-preview by Mei sounds very good because I don't have to open and close so many sites and examine each one... it short-cuts my effort by giving impression of sites. wired-marker is very useful when I use many articles for writing essay. actually, it is big problem for me to remember which part was important! Auto-pager was also! I hated click the tiny button in Google to see next page!

after the add-ons introducing, we did group gathering to create website. the topics we chose were AI, Robots, and life expectancy. each one is closely related to our future.
I will research about them by using good sites such as KurzweilAInet and Science Daily.

3rd Class

I think that the idea of presenting about add-ons by each person is so nice! We can share and improve the fire-fox portable to be more useful! Actually, Cooliris, which was introduced by Narumi helped me so much when I searched for some pictures for my presentation in my general edu class. beautiful and cool view made me possible to continue working for a long time.

also, today I tried to create my web sites. in my memory of high school, to create web sites was boring and complicated working, like creating so many tabs . it took so much time and it was far from brilliant site. However,by using g-mail's function, it was so easy and can create cool and beautiful one without complicated operation! Just choosing template which suits my purpose! How great!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Firefox add-ons

The second class was also the review of the fall term.
Especially, we tried zotero add-on.

I have already known that zotero is very useful tool, however, I didn't know HOW it is useful.
Zotero is not only the bookmark system,(if so, it is ordinary!) but also arrange bookmarked books' or articles' author's name, published date, publisher and other information quickly and automatically. How surprising!
Also, we can make works-cited in various format in a blink of an eye when we copy and paste the arranged info in zotero on the paper.

What we have to notice is that zotero can get not all the info about the books and articles.
In that case, people need to put info by hands.

the First CM class of winter term

We reviewed what we learned in fall term. They were wonderwheel, timeline, Google images and Videos, and etc.

The work in the class was to search things related to ELP readings with these tools.
I realized that this work is like the simulation of the research for essay writing!
I was surprised how many functions I can use now for the essay...

I couldn't completed the latter half of the handout, so I have to try may be in the next class.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Google Forms

Hi,all! I can't believe that CM autumn course has been finished!
It was soooo fruitful course for me... I will continue to use functions introduced in the classes from now on. Actually, I used firefox portable and google search tools for writing final essay, and they helped me finish the essay so much! A lot of thanks for Mr.Ohata!!! (this is not OSEJI!)

Anyway, let me talk about the learning in the last class.
We tried Google Forms, didn't we?
I organized the survey over everyone's view for the future, with Yoshie-chan.
By looking at the result (appreciate your cooperation), I was surprised at most of the panelists want to live in japan rather than abroad.
Taking a close look at second and third questions' results, I could guess that because japan is the most familiar place for most people, they chose "japan" option.
From marriage Question results, it seems that many people prefer do solid marriage to do adventure...

If we use this Google Forms, we can do well customized and fit for our intentions researches. This will be useful when we need fresh information for essay topic (for example), or naively, when we want to have questionnaires.