Thursday, December 17, 2009

Firefox add-ons

The second class was also the review of the fall term.
Especially, we tried zotero add-on.

I have already known that zotero is very useful tool, however, I didn't know HOW it is useful.
Zotero is not only the bookmark system,(if so, it is ordinary!) but also arrange bookmarked books' or articles' author's name, published date, publisher and other information quickly and automatically. How surprising!
Also, we can make works-cited in various format in a blink of an eye when we copy and paste the arranged info in zotero on the paper.

What we have to notice is that zotero can get not all the info about the books and articles.
In that case, people need to put info by hands.

the First CM class of winter term

We reviewed what we learned in fall term. They were wonderwheel, timeline, Google images and Videos, and etc.

The work in the class was to search things related to ELP readings with these tools.
I realized that this work is like the simulation of the research for essay writing!
I was surprised how many functions I can use now for the essay...

I couldn't completed the latter half of the handout, so I have to try may be in the next class.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Google Forms

Hi,all! I can't believe that CM autumn course has been finished!
It was soooo fruitful course for me... I will continue to use functions introduced in the classes from now on. Actually, I used firefox portable and google search tools for writing final essay, and they helped me finish the essay so much! A lot of thanks for Mr.Ohata!!! (this is not OSEJI!)

Anyway, let me talk about the learning in the last class.
We tried Google Forms, didn't we?
I organized the survey over everyone's view for the future, with Yoshie-chan.
By looking at the result (appreciate your cooperation), I was surprised at most of the panelists want to live in japan rather than abroad.
Taking a close look at second and third questions' results, I could guess that because japan is the most familiar place for most people, they chose "japan" option.
From marriage Question results, it seems that many people prefer do solid marriage to do adventure...

If we use this Google Forms, we can do well customized and fit for our intentions researches. This will be useful when we need fresh information for essay topic (for example), or naively, when we want to have questionnaires.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Google documents sharing system is so wonderful! When some people make one project together, they can edit it anytime and anywhere they want without meeting. This system make it possible to set up a project with people meeting online. Since it is global and modern society in which the Internet connects people all over the world, this system would be so useful.

However, when it is compared with power-point, making slides functions are somewhat inferior. For example, google doc cannot add animations, which means movement of criteria on the slide.

I hope that google doc improves such points and become more useful tool!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Firefox add-ons

I tried zotero first, and I strongly recommend this add-on to all the freshmen who are struggling to tidy up collected sources in writing essay!
As for me, most sources I use in essay are from Internet.
Since I meet zotero, I always copy the page URL and paste it to the paper to keep it. (If I can use okiniiri-system, the problem is solved easily, but I do not have personal computer in fact!)
If I use zotero, I can use system which is similar to okiniiri-system, besides, divide some pages into the folders.
As another functions, we can do citations and works cited, which are the most tiresome part in essay, much easily by using zotero.
This function has us avoid to miss limit of the essay submission for there being not sufficient time to write confusing works cited part.

I'll try Mail Notifier and Personas system, which May recommended on her blog.
They sound very useful!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Research Tools

Last class made me shocked to know that there were so many useful tools on google engine, or other engines.

The only tool I could use in spring term was the blank box on the top of google page, and it was not so helpful for my study! That's because most of time I was being annoyed with what words will lead expected books or articles for me. Also, picking up what I want to know by opening all of the links needed so much perceverence!

If categories are suggested like `wonder wheel', I can cut these time.

I also tried ' SurfWax' engine.
The merit of this engine is that one can deepen searching about the one topic from one word. There is a 'focus' button above the searching page, and various choices of links (abstract of each is shown) on the left table. This would be useful to deepen knowledge from different percepectives.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Some Progress Logs on my reading

Hi, all! Thank you for your visiting and reading my blog.

I'm reading McDaniel on RCA and Fisher on ARW now.

First, for the reading of McDaniel, I have SO MUCH difficulties.

As you know, this text was written for academic conference, therefore, the vocabulary is hard.

Looking unknown words in dictionary takes me long time, and there is no room to enjoy the content!

Next, for Fisher, I think that this text is very interesting.

The author's opinion about the perception is unique and I can enjoy critical reading.

Also, I'm interested in interpretering, therefore, reading this text will be useful for me.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Hello! This is the first posting in my life.
My name is atsumi.
I'm in the section BN, and BN members are so nice!
They are all friendly and working hard on classes.
We are going to have raw-caramel booth at the ICU festival.
I'm in the ballroom dance club.